
The Adventure Game Awards

It is our great privilege and pleasure to present our own Adventure Game Awards to deserving recipients – and not just for THIS year, but for ALL eligible adventures of the 2020s so far!

These individual awards include all aspects of game design: from animation and sound design to story, characters, and gameplay – along with some fun special categories for standout achievements.

Winners will be unveiled on Saturday, July 27th at the Adventure Game Fan Fair in Tacoma, Washington. Tickets are still available but in short supply, so don’t delay if you’d like to be there live as we honor the genre’s best and brightest modern developers!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the Adventure Game Awards?

Exactly what they sound like: Much-deserved recognition of the top adventure games in their respective categories, regardless of shape, size, budget, or commercial success.

Why from 2020 to present day?

Since the Adventure Game Fan Fair will take place right the middle of 2024, there aren’t enough eligible new games for consideration this year alone. So why not the best of the decade thus far? The pool is significantly deeper, making the challenge of choosing winners that much harder and more fun to decide.

Is this a one-time event?

We hope not! Future Adventure Game Fan Fairs will continue the tradition, celebrating the best new adventures released between conventions.

Who votes for the awards?

A select Adventure Game Fan Fair committee determined the awards to be presented, with additional input from “Royalty” VIP-tier Kickstarter backers. Voting was conducted anonymously between Adventure Game Hotspot staff, network members, and convention organizers.

Do I have to submit my game to be eligible for an award?

Nope! Adventure Game Hotspot maintains a complete list of all eligible new games released. (Although if you have a new game in development and are looking for coverage, you should definitely let us know!)

Do I have to be present at the show to receive an award?

Personal attendance is not a requirement, but win or lose, it adds greatly to the festivities to have as many nominated developers on-hand, so we hope to see you there!

Is there a dress code for the award show?

There are no formal requirements, but it’s a gala event with cameras and some notable industry veterans, so dress as you’d like to be remembered!

Unfortunately, I can’t attend the Fan Fair. How can I see who wins?

A dedicated webpage will be updated and maintained by Adventure Game Hotspot, displaying all Adventure Game Award winners.

How can I support the Adventure Game Awards?

Help spread the word! The Adventure Game Awards are a celebration of everything we cherish about the genre and the people who contribute so much to our enjoyment. A big part of the fun of any awards show is discussing them, respectfully debating who should win, and recommending others play them as well. The more enthusiasm the better!
If you are an experienced adventure game enthusiast and promoter and would like to be part of or voting committee, please contact us. New applicants will be added on an as-needed basis.

The Adventure Game Hall of Fame

With so many legendary creators and creations alike dating back more than forty years, it is our great pleasure to introduce the 2024 final nominees for the one-and-only, officially licensed Adventure Game Hall of Fame!

The winners of the inaugural Hall of Fame induction will be unveiled on Saturday, July 27th, at the Adventure Game Fan Fair in Tacoma, Washington. Tickets are still available but in short supply, so don’t delay if you’d like to be there live as we honor the top genre dignitaries of all time!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Adventure Game Hall of Fame?

The Hall of Fame is a permanent exhibit of the most influential contributors in the adventure game genre, as well as the most outstanding, impactful games that have come to define our understanding of what an adventure game is.

Is this a one-time event?

We intend the Hall of Fame inductions to be an annual event, with up to five creators and up to five games added each year, as decided by our voting committee.

How are nominees and winners decided?

A select committee of adventure game media professionals and influencers meet to discuss eligible nominees, culminating in a final list of fifteen people and games decided by vote. Winners are then determined by a larger voting pool of genre enthusiasts who have demonstrated their experience, expertise, and commitment to the success of the genre. (Note: No developers in either group are permitted to vote for their own games.)

What makes the Hall of Fame “officially licensed?”

Adventure Game Hotspot has registered with the International Video Game Hall of Fame & Museum, and must abide by the standards, rules, and regulations set forth to ensure a fair and organized nomination process.

What games or creators are eligible for the Adventure Game Hall of Fame?

All of them! With the usual caveat that “adventure game” is a loosely defined term that is open to interpretation. We consider adventures to be thoughtful games of exploration and discovery, with a heavy focus on story and/or puzzles rather than reliance on action or other commonly recognized genre elements.

Note that despite being called the Hall of Fame, “fame” is not a defining criterion for inclusion. This is not a popularity contest but rather a measure of impact on the adventure genre. It’s more of a “lifetime achievement” award that recognizes extraordinary significance, whether in or out of the limelight.

Why are some nominees listed as couples or teams while others are individuals?

In certain cases, even when a strong case can be made for solo induction, the accomplishments of an individual are so intrinsically linked to those of a partnership or larger group that they are best recognized as a whole. (Ken and Roberta Williams, for example, are each eminently qualified as individuals, but their careers are so inseparable that they best merit consideration as a couple.)

Is the Hall of Fame in a physical location?

There is currently no physical location for the Adventure Game Hall of Fame, but a dedicated webpage will be continually updated and maintained by Adventure Game Hotspot, displaying all Hall of Fame winners with photos and bios.