Events Policy

Policies Last Modified: July 17, 2024


Events are organized and operated by 10/24/1929 Productions. Policy references to “event,” “staff,” “Adventure Game Fan Fair,” and related individuals and groups refer to this operation. Check the Privacy Policy for more information. The following policies are designed to ensure everyone’s safety and comfort. Attendees are presumed to have read all policies before attendance.

The Adventure Game Fan Fair assumes no liability or responsibility for the actions of any member or other activity participant. We reserve the right to take whatever steps we deem necessary to protect the integrity of the event and the safety of our attendees.

The Adventure Game Fan Fair reserves the right to update or modify policies to reflect changes in the event, the venue, local, state, and federal regulations, as well as responses from the community. Future attendees are encouraged to revisit the policy periodically to maintain familiarity with the rules of the event. Attending Adventure Game Fan Fair presumes familiarity with the content of the event’s various Policy pages.

If you have questions beyond what is listed on the policy pages, contact Con Director Joshua Cleveland ( for more info.

As of July 17, 2024, all mentions of the University of Tacoma, UW Tacoma, the venue, etc. previously referring to the Cherry Parkes and William Philip Hall now refer to the Greater Tacoma Convention Center, the venue for the 2024 event.

Code of Conduct

The Adventure Game Fan Fair expects all event participants to abide by the Code of Conduct, including social gatherings set up by the event outside of the convention space. Attendees are expected to:

  • Refrain from the use of discriminatory or harassing speech or behavior (on or offline)
  • Be respectful of the event spaces – we are guests there
  • Alert event staff in the event of violations of this policy by others

Unacceptable behavior includes, but is not limited to:

  • Physical assault, sexual harassment, stalking, intimidating, bullying, or any other unwanted physical conduct
  • Deliberate disregard for the health and safety of others
  • Violation of any explicitly required public health safety measures implemented by the venue or jurisdiction
  • Threats of harm to another person, real or implied
  • Provoking or encouraging harmful behavior to one or more persons
  • Discriminatory language and behavior against any group or individual, for any reason

We have a thriving online community. The Code of Conduct applies to all online communications, including the Adventure Game Hotspot network and communication channels like Discord, Twitch, X/Twitter, etc.

Reporting Conduct Violations

If you have concerns about a violation of the Code of Conduct, please contact a member of the Adventure Game Fan Fair staff. The staff can be reached via:

The Adventure Game Fan Fair strives to resolve incidents quickly and safely for everyone. Participants engaging in prohibited behavior may be given a warning, removed from a specific event, or prohibited from future attendance.

Child Policy

Children are welcome at the Adventure Game Fan Fair, but are expected to be attending with a legal guardian 18 years of age or older at all times. Guardians are highly encouraged to remain vigilant; please report any concerns related to the safety or well-being of any child to event staff immediately.

Cosplay Policy


All cosplay must cover the wearer sufficiently to meet public decency laws in the state and local jurisdiction that the venue resides in. When in doubt, cosplayers are highly encouraged to follow the “PG-13” rule when adorning costumes. The use of makeup or paint to substitute for clothing in regions covered in public decency laws is prohibited.

The use of body paint or makeup to portray another race or nationality, such as blackface, is expressly prohibited. Iconography, text, symbols, or other costuming that conveys hate symbols or organizations, historical or otherwise, is also prohibited.


All costume weapons and props must conform to federal, state, and local laws. Please use light materials such as foam or cardboard for all props whenever possible, and avoid hard materials or sharp edges. Anything that could accidentally or purposefully injure another is likely to be prohibited. Avoid bringing hard prop weapons to the event. It is encouraged to use light materials such as foam, composite, light woods, and cardboard be used for prop weapons. Anything that could be confused for a real-life weapon should be coded as a prop, such as bright orange tips.

All prop weapons must be inspected before entering the venue.

As per the Firearms Policy, functional firearms are prohibited in the event or on event grounds. This includes non-lethal functional projectiles framed as guns (airsoft guns, paintball guns, cap guns, etc.) Prop firearms must be completely non-functional.

Bladed weapons (such as swords or knives) must have no sharp edge.

Chemical weapons, fireworks, explosives, self-defense weapons (such as stun guns or tasers), incendiary weapons, or other lethal or less-than-lethal weapons are expressly prohibited.

Firearms Policy

The Adventure Game Fan Fair does not condone possession of firearms at our events. State and local laws and restrictions related to open carry, concealed carry, or other permissions apply as appropriate. Security staff, off-duty officers, and other authorized individuals are asked to identify themselves and provide badge information to event staff in advance. Note that venue restrictions may further restrict these guidelines.

For AGFF 2024, the University of Washington Tacoma campus has an explicit policy against weapons on campus, including firearms (RCW28B.20.130 (1)) for all campus properties, including the event venue. Requests for exceptions to the restriction must be run through the Director of Campus Safety and Security, including valid licenses, identification, criminal background checks, and a reviewed request from the chancellor and Attorney General’s office. The Director of Campus Safety and Security can provide more information at (253) 692-4425 or by email at

The Adventure Game Fan Fair will maintain this policy for 2024 with the venue change, but further inquiries must now be directed to

Pet Policy

Please leave your pets at home. The Adventure Game Fan Fair will not allow any animals (other than legally credentialed service animals) into the venue.

Press Policy

Any newspaper, television, or digital media outlet interested in covering the Adventure Game Fan Fair may register for a press pass. Please contact for more information. Reporters will be expected to provide credentials to be vetted by the staff before being provided access to the event.

Recording Policy

The event weekend (including concerts, games, panels, and other events/areas available only to badged attendees) is open to being photographed or recorded for non-commercial use. Capture of the event is permitted, but the content contained therein remains the right of Adventure Game Fan Fair. Audiovisual capture is inherently granted a Creative Commons Share-Alike Non-Commercial Attribution License (see here) allowing for your own use. Any use beyond this requires permission from the Adventure Game Fan Fair.

Those recording Adventure Game Fan Fair content agree to grant the event a non-exclusive, perpetual, universal, and irrevocable license to use, distribute, and/or utilize audiovisual content in other forms, including commercial.

The event will be captured by numerous attendees and staff alike. Attendees may be photographed or recorded; as a condition of attendance, Adventure Game Fan Fair attendees are consenting to having their image published.

If you feel someone is abusing this policy during the event, or have further concerns, reach out to staff for immediate assistance.

Sales Policy

The sale of any merchandise at Adventure Game Fan Fair may only be carried out by staff or authorized vendors in specific designated areas, unless otherwise approved by staff via special arrangement. Sales will be governed by the rules agreed to via contract with those attending as vendors. The sale of merchandise or services outside of this arrangement may result in the solicitor being asked to leave the venue.

The selling of counterfeit items is expressly forbidden. The Adventure Game Fan Fair seeks to protect its attendees from predatory business practices; bootlegs and reproductions, labeled or otherwise, are not permitted. Violation of this policy may result in the vendor being closed for the duration of the event and/or losing future access to the event.

Security Policy

The Adventure Game Fan Fair takes the security of attendees seriously. The event uses a combination of defined policies, enforced physical spaces, administrative oversight, and technology to keep all attendees as safe and secure as possible for the duration of the event.

Please see the Privacy Policy for more information on digital security.

Substance Policy

The sale or distribution of illegal or controlled substances, alcohol, tobacco, or scheduled drugs is expressly prohibited. Individuals found in violation of this rule will be removed and reported to local authorities. The Adventure Game Fan Fair asks that legally-possessed substances be consumed in the privacy of hotel rooms or private homes, and not taken into any venue space.

Attendees are highly encouraged to report any witnessed violations of the substance policy; Adventure Game Fan Fair strives to maintain a safe environment for attendees of all ages.